This album is dedicated to the planet’s beautiful quilt of Black and Brown Women, Mothers, Girls and Femmes. It is for our Queer, Trans, Cis and Straight fam. It is for ALL our people. For our Brothers and our Fuck Boyz in Recovery committed to equality and building a new world. To all our siblings and soul family. It is for those silenced, erased and forgotten by a violent combination of power chasing, ignorance and disrespect. For those silenced, pushed over and out through sexism, racism and classism.
This art is dedicated to you and your power to be change. To all of your words that have gone unheard and the gifts that you’ve tried to hide. To the truth speakers and seekers, dream builders and peacemakers seeking inspiration. To those surviving, thriving and overcoming daily despite the chains of colonialism and slavery that have repeatedly preyed on our communities and cast Nature and the Earth as the enemy.
This project is dedicated to those who harm others or blame themselves for the ways that systemic oppression robs all of our freedom and eats at each of our joy. Se dedica al amor. To love. It is for your unawakened dreams, for your unstarted conversations. It is intended to blast a hole in the stained glass window of the status quo so together we can build a fire community mural. It is for love in private and public.
It is for you and your voice that we need right now more than ever.
Fuckboyz n' Beats
this link will take you to our big cartel store where you can pay $20, $43 or $100 for this iconic classic of a masterpiece 🙌🏿 and be added to the album list to receive it immediately via e-mail when it releases.
If you would like to pay more than $20 but less than $43 you can send funds to us via PayPal or Venmo with the comment FBNB pre-order. 🖤
thank you for supporting us EARLY! We LOVE YOU BEYOND WORDS!